British artist Henry John Kinnaird is predominantly known for his tranquil depictions of the enchanting British countryside. He was particularly fond of gent...
British artist Owen Bowen ROI RCA is predominantly known for spirited landscapes imbued with vigour and delivered with impressionistic brushwork. He also pro...
British artist James George Philp is predominantly known for his spirited depictions of the Cornish coast. Born in Falmouth, Cornwall, details of his early a...
British artist William Henry Pigott is predominantly known for naturalistic landscape paintings depicting picturesque countryside and placid rural life. Born...
Alfred Hitchens Corbould was a British painter of portraits and informal equestrian studies.
Stemming from a family line of distinguished artists, Alfred Cor...
British artist James Hey Davies RCA is predominantly known for his rugged plein-air landscapes, which celebrate the abundant British countryside. He also pro...
Scottish artist James Coutts Michie is predominantly known for capturing tranquil views under an obliging light with soft hazy brushwork. But he also produce...
John Henry Alphonse Da Costa was a British painter of landscapes and portraits in oil and watercolour.
Early Development
Da Costa’s early years were quite as...
Elijah Albert Cox was a British painter, poster artist and illustrator.
Raised amid the frenetic pace of the bustling east end, this London lad soon develope...