Brave Fine Art

At Brave, we do things a little differently. Rather than negotiate a price, we work to a set of fixed discounts based on the level of your previous purchases. This is designed to be fair to everyone rather than favour those who barter the hardest. If you’re an experienced collector with hundreds of originals or it’s your first time buying an antique painting, you’ll be treated the same - after all, art is everyone!

If it’s your first order, you qualify for 10% off with discount code FINEPAINTINGS and beyond this, our loyalty scheme applies as follows.

  • If you’ve spent over £1,500 = 5%
  • If you’ve spent over £2,500 = 7%
  • If you’ve spent over £5,000 = 10%
  • If you’ve spent over £10,000 = 12%

When you reach the required level, you'll be given a code that will apply the correct level of discount to your future orders.

It’s also worth noting that our small team works hard to ensure that every painting leaves here in a presentable state. Some are sent for conservation, cleaned or restored in-house - artwork and frames. So you’ll always receive a painting in a superior condition than if you bought it directly from auction.

Our margins are comparatively small and for complete transparency, here’s a guide on what we invest in each piece before it reaches the website.

  • Auction fees (up to 40% of the hammer price)
  • Collection (between £100 and £400 in shipping, inbound insurance and import duties)
  • Conservation assessment and restoration (between 2 and 30 hours)
  • Researching attributions, provenance and authenticity (between 3 and 20 hours)
  • Accurate descriptions (1-2 hours)
  • Packing materials (between £30 and £300)
  • Free shipping to you plus free insurance (between £30 and £300)

Reserving Pieces

We no longer reserve items. This is to ensure that every piece is available to purchase immediately when someone requires it. Again, we do our best to treat everyone fairly.

We hope this helps to shed some light on our costs and level of discounts. Do get in in touch if you would like more information and thank you for your support.

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