Swedish painter and illustrator Lars Hoffsten is predominantly known for his expressive, often challenging, works which explore the human condition. Although...
Béla Adalbert Hradil was an interesting gentleman who had numerous talents alongside his skill for painting including art conservation, photography and music...
Hygrell was a versatile and widely-exhibited painter who studied in Gothenburg and later at the Stockholm School of Art. She was predominantly known for her ...
Alfred Jansson was of Swedish descent but immigrated to America to continue his development as an artist. He lived in Chicago for many years and thrived amon...
Swedish artist, Bror Kronstrand, became one of the leading society painters of his generation and produced hundreds of portraits for wealthy patrons. At the ...
Swedish artist, Axel Kulle, worked in the tricky space between two competing ideas. On one hand, his training at the Academy was based upon traditional princ...
Swedish artist, Jakob Kulle, produced wholesome genre scenes depicting everyday moments from rural life. They’re quiet and respectful, and generally lacking ...
Johan Larentius Carolinus was born in Amsberg, Kopparberg County, and could turn his hand to a range of artistic endeavours. He was primarily known as one of...
Albert Liedbeck was a Swedish artist who was primarily known for portraits, still lifes and landscapes. He had a particular interest in painting weapons and ...