Charles Turner After T Blake, The Interior Of The Fives Court

Charles Turner After T Blake, The Interior Of The Fives Court

This early 19th-century hand-coloured engraving depicts a monumentous boxing match between Ned "The Out-and-Outer" Turner and Jack "The Prime Irish Lad" Randall. It took place in 1818 at Fives Court, London in front of 20,000 spectators.

As you can imagine, the brawl was barbaric with 34 rounds spread over 2 hours and 21 minutes. Randall ultimately claimed the title - newspaper reports described the bout:

“13. Randall put in a desperate snorter and the claret followed in torrents. He repeated it and Turner went down. Randall had now got upon the head work and left pinking at the body. This was the first knockdown blow and great shouting followed it.”

“14. Both down.”

“17. In this round, struggling for the throw, Turner threw Randall out of the ring, and stood up, leaning over the ropes.”

“19. In this round Randall’s old forte broke out with fresh energy - in closing, he peppered the face of his opponent, like a footman’s stylish knock at a door - it was ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, till Turner went down covered with blood. 1 hour and 35 minutes.”

“21. Turner hit with his left hand on Randall’s nose; and he also went down from the force of his own blow.”

“31. The face of Turner was dreadful, it was one mass of claret.”

“34 and last. After some other hits, a blow on the left side of Turner’s head floored him, that he could not come to time.”

The engraving is by Charles Turner (1774-1857) after a painting by T Blake and considered to be one of the most important boxing engravings ever produced. It’s housed within a good later frame.

Learn more about Charles Turner in our directory.

Medium: Hand-coloured engraving
Overall size: 29½” x 25” / 75cm x 64cm
Year of creation: c. 1818
Condition: Overall very presentable.
Artist’s auction highlight (engravings): £4,500 achieved for a mezzotint engraving in 2016.

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