Wetzko-Ehrenberger, Ella (1874-1945)

Wetzko-Ehrenberger, Ella (1874-1945)

Austrian artist Ella Wetzko-Ehrenberger created a bounty of elegant still lifes, each imbued with a refined sense of delicacy and grace. The details of her career are difficult to track down, which seems at odds with the fine quality of her works.

This is probably, in part, caused by her gender, as women were not afforded the same opportunities to learn as their male counterparts. But it’s also due to her heritage as a woman of Jewish descent - she died in 1945 and her final years remain a mystery.

Wetzko-Ehrenberger trained under the great Olga Wisinger-Florian (1844-1926) who championed women’s rights and sought to provide young women with improved opportunities to develop their artistic potential.


Born in Vienna.

Studied under Olga Wisinger-Florian.

Studied under Alex D. Goltz.



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