British artist Alfred George Stannard produced a bountiful selection of landscapes and genre scenes throughout his career. Each painting is imbued with a rea...
James Stephanoff was an accomplished British watercolour painter working primarily during the Regency Period in Britain. Stephanoff’s works have a focus on d...
Folliott Stokes was born in Oxfordshire but moved to Cornwall in the 1890s. His works were shown at the Royal Academy, Royal Society of British Artists and N...
British artist Peace Sykes produced an array of luscious landscapes in oil and watercolour. His works often depict the countryside outside of his hometown of...
Yorkshire-born artist, Robert Thew was a quick-witted gentleman that built a highly successful career as an engraver despite his lack of formal training. Fro...
William Hill Thomson was a Scottish artist primarily known for portraiture, particularly in miniature.
He was a member of the Royal Miniature Society where h...
Dutch artist Joseph Thors is predominantly known for his rugged naturalistic landscapes, which are rooted in the rich artistic heritage of his homeland. See...
British artist Charles Turner was one of the greatest engravers of the early 19th century. Over the course of his career, he would translate the works of ma...
British artist Alfred Vickers is predominantly known for his rugged landscapes, which depict scenic views from the mountains of North Wales to the lowlands o...