Manchester School Of Painters

Manchester School Of Painters

During the 1870s, several young painters rebelled against the formulaic and rigid tuition offered by Manchester Art School and sought greater freedom of expression. Led by progressive artist Joseph Knight (1837-1909), the group gathered to share ideas at Knight’s studio on Oxford Road, Manchester.

At the time, traditional methods of teaching were predominantly based upon laboriously studying the works of the Old Masters, but artists such as Joshua Anderson Hague (1850-1916) and John Herbert Evelyn Partington (1843-1899) preferred to experiment with new and emerging techniques. This included ‘plein air’ painting, which was gaining traction in France.

Initially derided by the critics, it took over ten years for The Manchester School to be generally accepted.

Guiding Principles

  1. Rallied against formal tuition.
  2. Sought greater freedom to experiment with emerging ideas.
  3. Studied directly from nature.
  4. Looser expressive brushwork.


  • Joseph Knight (1837-1909)
  • Joshua Anderson Hague (1850-1916)
  • John Houghton Hague (1842-1934)
  • James Hey Davies (1844-1930)
  • Frederick William Jackson (1859-1918)
  • William Meredith (1851-1916)
  • John Herbert Evelyn Partington (1843-1899)
  • Richard Gay Somerset (1848-1928)

Example Works

Joshua Anderson Hague

Joshua Anderson Hague, Landscape With Watermill & Bridge (c.1890)

Frederick William Jackson Beach Scene With Two Fishermen

Frederick William Jackson, Beach Scene With Two Fishermen (1897)

Frederick William Jackson, Early Morning, Tangier

Frederick William Jackson, Early Morning Tangier

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